March this year saw Kingsgate back out on study tour with an amazing trip to Spain with Eco Animal Health Home – Eco Animal Health (

A fabulous group of producers and allied industry were thrown into not only pig production but pork processing Spanish style. There was no “mania” on this fully packed 4 day trip.

It was a real eye opener to see how the Spanish have come together in various Co-operatives to gain better control of their supply chain and further develop their production systems for better marketing to Northern Europe.

We were fortunate enough to see processing lines for everything from the basic pork cuts, through to year old air dried ham production. Feed Mills, Shops, production units and need I say an endless array of restaurants and bars. I am sure some of the travelers will have some memories about bars that may well be better forgotten!

Being Kingsgate, we even managed a quick session on Iberico ham production and nutrition from Dr Clemente Lopez Bote. It took a lot to get Faye back on the plane home instead of devoting herself to Iberico pig production (and may we say consumption!)

Eco Animal health really did pull out all the stops. We met some of the most amazing people through all aspects and areas of Spanish production. It was amazingly educational and enjoyable, with a great group of people.

Thank you Eco Animal Health for your hard work in organizing such a great trip, of all things there was never a shortage of food or drink!